
> I think image subpackage is not needed, maybe it can merged to
> -common subpackage, 

I've done this so that someone installing only the console/daemon
doesn't pull in images. If merged it into common, the images will also
be installed (which *probably* aren't being used by console/daemon)

> also if you should not provide Provides:   %{name}
> = %{version}-%{release} or Provides:   %{name}-flags =
> %{version}-%{release} in spec.
>  Obseletes is enough to provide a sane upgrade path, Provides is
> needed for renaming a package, but it's not suitable in the case of
> spliting one package into several subpackages.
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Upgrade_paths_%E2%80%94_renaming_or_splitting_packages

I'll check up this part and update the spec.

> Chen Lei
> -- 

Thanks ,


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