On Fri, Jun 04, 2010 at 06:52:51PM +0200, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Patrice Dumas wrote:
> > I think that this would be a huge mistake. Enrico is a very talented
> > packagers he generally is ahead of his time. I was myself sometimes
> > annoyed by the peculiarities of his packages, but he always comply to
> > guidelines.
> No he doesn't. For example, SVN revision tags in Version (as opposed to 
> Release) are not compliant to our naming and versioning guidelines.

So why are there no proper bug reports? And where is a list of all these
bugs to show that he does not care about them?

If you all think that having Enrico as a package maintainer is that bad,
it should not be such a big problem to properly document it and bring
this to FESCo. But when I consider that it seems that it took two or
more years to bring the problems with redhat-lsb and tor to FESCo's
attention, this whole thing seems not to be as bad as it is said here.


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