On 06/02/2010 12:56 PM, Peter Czanik wrote:
> Hello,
> 2010-05-12 17:07 keltezéssel, Daniel J Walsh írta:
>>> I'm looking for information, how to get a package (in my case:
>>> syslog-ng) updated to the latest available version. First I tried to
>>> contact the original syslog-ng packagers directly, but I got no response
>>> at all. Here on the list I got some questions about the new syslog-ng
>>> version, but while I update my rawhide installation quite often, I still
>>> did not see an update for syslog-ng.
>>> Now I looked around on the Fedora wiki, how I could to the packaging
>>> work myself. I found a page with many interesting details:
>>> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackageMaintainers/Join , but this seems
>>> to be for packagers joining to add a new package. How could I get an
>>> existing package upgraded?
>>> Bye,
>>> CzP
>> Have you opened a bugzilla requesting the update?
>> I think you need to sign up and work to become a provenpackager.
> I did not open a bugzilla request yet, but it does not seem to be
> appropriate any more, as syslog-ng and related libraries seem to be
> dropped from Fedora (it is the same on FC13 and rawhide):

You really should open bugzilla request.

> [r...@fedora13 ~]# yum install syslog-ng
> Installing:
>   syslog-ng               i686               2.1.4-6.fc12
> fedora               138 k
> Installing for dependencies:
>   eventlog                i686               0.2.7-4.fc12
> fedora                16 k
>   libnet                  i686               1.1.4-3.fc12
> fedora                49 k

So syslog-ng is still there. It wasn't just rebuilt since fc12 as there was no
mass rebuild for fc13 and no update by package maintainer. Last changelog
entry is from f12(-rawhide) times:

* Tue Sep 15 2009 Ray Van Dolson <ra...@fedoraproject.org> - 2.1.4-8
- Adjust eventlog build requirement

> And a bonus question, as I work now for the upstream developer of
> syslog-ng: what was the reason for dropping syslog-ng from the distribution?

It's still there, see https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/acls/name/syslog-ng


Petr Lautrbach, Red Hat, Inc.
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