On Thu, 27.05.10 10:13, Chris Adams (cmad...@hiwaay.net) wrote:

> Once upon a time, Kevin Kofler <kevin.kof...@chello.at> said:
> > Editing the code is the wrong way to make "simple local changes".
> That is only true if you can anticipate every task every system admin
> will ever need to do with your tools.
> I've edited init scripts for multiple reasons.  For example, I have
> multiple instances of some daemons running, so I'll make multiple copies
> of the init script and edit as needed for config/PID file locations,
> etc.

Just because we want to do more stuff in C then in shell it doesnt mean
things become less editable or configurable. So, when you previously
edited the init script, you can now edit the (much shorter and simpler)
.service file, adjusting the various options it offers you. If you
previously maintained a modified copy of an existing init script, you
can now just have a modified copy of a .service file. There's really
nothing that changes here.


Lennart Poettering                        Red Hat, Inc.
lennart [at] poettering [dot] net
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