Peter Robinson wrote:
> Not decided about the handset side of things yet. The vast majority of
> the components from "MeeGo Core" are already in rawhide (and F-13 for
> that matter). Most of the Netbook UX stuff is. Some of the handset
> stuff can't yet compile on rawhide due to newer QT components but
> it'll be a couple of months before we see most of the handset UI
> components so there's no point looking at it until that point in time.

If you need any help on the Qt side, please contact us at the KDE SIG, we'll 
help you out with it.

I'll note that we already have Qt 4.7 Beta in Rawhide and will import 
RC/final stuff once it's ready. (We could also import a git snapshot if 
really needed.) I presume you'll also need Qt Mobility packaged and 
imported? Is there anything else you need from Qt?

        Kevin Kofler

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