On Tue, 25 May 2010 09:00:58 -0800
Jeff Spaleta <jspal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 7:45 AM, Lennart Poettering
> <mzerq...@0pointer.de> wrote:
> > Please, judge systemd on technical grounds, don't judge it on
> > political, or emotional grounds.
> "I'll publish the numbers of a 100% socket-activated boot soon."
> I would love to have the necessary data to have an informed public
> discussion on the technical merits which include some benchmarking and
> some cookie cutter packages to play around with.  I want t be given a
> chance to rig up some pathological poor performance systemd benchmarks
> that you can publicly cut to shreds as part of the educational
> process.
> My one concern about the current discussion is that the decision to
> move to systemd in the timeframe of F14 is being rushed ahead of the
> aforementioned technical judgement.  I can understand your personal
> enthusiasm for the move as you are intimately familiar with systemd.
> But I'm not sure its adequate to rush ahead until we all have a better
> feel on how this works in practise... and how much work its going to
> take to convert all our existing packages to systemd styled startup.
> The back and forth on your blog between yourself and Tim Waugh about
> cups service activation, for example, is something I think we all need
> to understand.  I think there is a lot buried in that discussion about
> how complex some of our existing services are going to look under
> systemd styled configuration.

I second that.

I'd like to remember that there are *many* upstreams are going to
resistant to this change. A lot of upstream projects need to be
compatible to a lot of Linux and Unix systems, even old ones, so before
they move they want guarantee that this is really going to be the next
thing. That means that until most distributions start using systemd
they are not going to do the work.

So before it is rushed in it is paramount that tests are done with
those application s that will not have systemd support and make sure
there is not going to be regressions there.


Simo Sorce * Red Hat, Inc * New York
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