On 05/18/2010 07:43 AM, Matthew Garrett wrote:
> On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 10:34:22AM -0400, Jon Masters wrote:
>> Of course it shouldn't be zero. This is what I was saying yesterday. Now
>> if Fedora is really targeting end users who are non-technical (can we
>> decide this finally, sometime, please?) then this is valid. But if it's
>> true that we favor experienced computing users, it should not be zero.
> The logic here is unclear. Technical users are surely the ones most able 
> to deal with this situation? I'll point out here that Windows gives no 
> visible prompt to obtain bootup options and the world doesn't seem to 
> have ended, so if we have machines where it's currently *impossible* to 
> get to the grub menu then that sounds like a bug in grub that needs to 
> be rectified.
Take your Windows system and induce a failure during boot (like powering
off in the middle).

I like the 2 boot time out options. If you clear the 'successful boot'
flag every time you start grub (after remembering what it said so you
can set the appropriate timeout) and set it again whenever the system
achieves the desirable 'boot state' then grub can detect boot failures
on the fly and increase the timeout if one is detected.

Downside: grub would need write access to a filesystem (or some other
permanment store) at boot time.


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