On Sat, 2010-05-15 at 10:40 -0500, Mike Chambers wrote:
> On Sat, 2010-05-15 at 08:23 -0400, Genes MailLists wrote:
> >    What if a user puts in a timeout - after a successful boot will it
> > stay or be reset to 0. It should never change what the user desires ...
> > you may need a fancier smarter set of rules.
> Ok, did a test install this morning on a dual boot (Win 7) system and
> the grub timeout was set to 5, which is as directed for multi boot
> systems or installs using serial.
> Also, I changed the timeout after the install and it stays that way and
> doesn't change back.  The setting is permanently until I change it
> again.

To clarify what the actual current situation is here, everyone's right.

As of F<=12 and F13 RC3, the situation is as Mike describes above, when
installing in a situation that anaconda recognizes as 'dual boot', you
get a default 5 second time out. You also get this with a serial

With an install _not_ of the kind described above, you currently get a 0
timeout, which is what's mostly under discussion now: whether we should
have a non-zero timeout for all installations, even single-boot.

The wrinkle is that with F13 < RC3, you got 0 second timeout even in the
dual boot case. This was simply a bug that we fixed in RC3. It was
always _intended_ that you'd get a non-zero timeout in dual-boot
scenarios, but we just managed to break that during the F13 cycle.
That's why Frank Murphy posted about getting a 0 timeout with Windows

(FWIW, I'd prefer a non-zero timeout in all cases, for reasons others
have already mentioned).
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Fedora Talk: adamwill AT fedoraproject DOT org

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