On Sun, May 09, 2010 at 20:34:57 +0300,
  Gilboa Davara <gilb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thus far, it seemed that the both the user and the developer communities
> were left out of these proceedings, and everything was more-or-less
> decided by FESCO, which left (large?) parts of the developer community
> feeling left out.

The board has been trying to answer questions related to this (who is Fedora
for). And I think they recently completed that task. I think the next thing
up would be to look at how well we are or aren't serving the people who
Fedora is supposed to be for.

A good starting point for this work is at:

There is a board election coming up and it is a good time to ask prospective
board members questions related to the future of Fedora.
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