
I recently was offline for about a week due to health issues and
realized that a number of my packages don't have any co-maintainers or
could use more help and it would be quite nice to have a few more people
taking care of these packages rather than relying solely on me.   If
anyone is interested is any of these packages,  please apply and I will
give you commit access.  Thanks.


aria2 -- High speed download utility with resuming and segmented downloading
bcrypt -- File encryption utility
bleachbit -- Remove unnecessary files, free space, and maintain privacy
blobby -- Volley-ball game
blobwars -- Mission and Objective based 2D Platform Game
checkgmail -- System Tray Application that checks a Gmail Account for
New Mail
cowsay -- Configurable speaking/thinking cow
cryptopp -- Public domain C++ class library of cryptographic schemes
dbench -- Filesystem load benchmarking tool
deja-dup -- Simple backup tool and frontend for duplicity
eina -- A classic player for a modern era
emesene -- Instant messaging client for Windows Live Messenger (tm) network
gdome2 -- DOM level 2 library for accessing XML files
ghasher -- GUI hasher for GTK+ 2
gimmage -- A Simple GNOME Image Viewer
gnote -- Note-taking application
gquilt -- PyGTK GUI wrapper for quilt
gyachi -- A Yahoo! chat client with Webcam and voice support
lxsplit -- File split / merge utility
netmonitor -- The free linux network bandwidth monitor
openarena -- Open source first person shooter
pdfmerge -- Command line utility program for merging PDF files
pyroom -- PyRoom is a full screen text editor and a clone of Writeroom
python-dialog -- Python interface to the Unix dialog utility
python-xkit -- A simple, transparent and easy to extend xorg parser
quilt -- Scripts for working with series of patches
rssh -- Restricted shell for use with OpenSSH, allowing only scp and/or sftp
scponly -- Restricted shell for ssh based file services
simple-scan -- Simple scanning utility
transmission -- A lightweight GTK+ BitTorrent client
transmission-remote-cli -- A console client for the Transmission
BitTorrent client
trash-cli -- Command line interface to the freedesktop.org trashcan
tremulous-data -- Data files for tremulous the FPS game
unrtf -- RTF to other formats converter
wordnet -- A lexical database for the english language
workrave -- Program that assists in the recovery and prevention of RSI
wp_tray -- A wallpaper-changing applet for GNOME
wv -- MSWord 6/7/8/9 binary file format to HTML converter
xlhtml -- Excel 95/97 and PowerPoint to HTML converter
youtube-dl -- Small command-line program to download videos from YouTube
ytree -- A filemanager similar to XTree
zikula-module-feeds -- RSS feeds module for zikula
zikula-module-filterutil -- pagesetter like filter rules for zikula
zikula-module-pagemaster -- Creates pages with dynamic content like
news, articles, etc


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