Burying the underlying issue yet again under the carpet or "Hall monitoring" it wont resolve it neither will a shouting contest between people do. People will need leave all emotion behind and look neutrally at each other point of view and listen to each other constructive criticism to gradually build up and achieve a compromised solution between themselves and all parties involved.

Everyone knows the underlying issue that dissatisfies so many of the community ( otherwise Kevin would never been elected to FESCo ) and to resolve that issue the board needs to step back and look at the project in whole, it's members, where it is and where it wants it to be and coming up with a clear cut vision of what the project is going to achieve and who they are trying to attract while achieving that goal.

As long as the project vision remains clouded and is sending out mixed signals the underlying issue will never be resolved and will leave contributors stuck in a Groundhog day unable to move on either within this project or to another one and the same issue will continue to re-surface release cycle after release cycle gradually increasing the disruption and the rift in the community.


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