On 04/23/2010 12:03 AM, Martin Stransky wrote: > Hi, > > we're patching mozilla packages only for really critical issues because > of mozilla trademarks. We can't put any patch we want to the mozilla > package and ship it as 'Firefox' or 'Thunderbird'.
To clarify a little further... The main purpose to get patches accepted by upstream before inclusion in Fedora is to make sure we are doing things the right way. For example, some patches may inadvertently break standards compliance, have ill side effects with JavaScript, may fix connecting to some mail servers at the expense of others, etc. Since the browser and mail client are an integral part of the daily user experience, we don't want to patch things which would have an unintended effect. Also, in the past, certain distributors have altered or broken standards compliance in their clients with patches, and in continuing to do so, they no longer ship with Mozilla trademarks. They have effectively created a different browser and mail client that behaves differently on some web sites or mail servers. Correctly following open standards is extremely important for the internet, and the last thing I want is to effectively create a fork in this way. We do have an agreement with Mozilla and as such, we are permitted to use the Firefox and Thunderbird trademarks. But even if we did not or it were decided those marks were not important to us, I strongly feel that we should continue do things the right way and get patches accepted upstream first. > I've asked for inclusion at upstream bug, > https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=550455, if you want to > speed up the process you can reply there too. Looking at both the Red Hat and upstream bugs, The patch actually has already been accepted upstream already on 2010-04-01, just not in the same branch. There have been no complaints of regression in the bug however from trunk testers. As Firefox and Thunderbird are high usage and high visibility products which tend to get many bugs and patches, we limit consideration to certain classes of bugs with high impact. Based on the number of different users commenting and the number of duplicates of the bug, I think the impact of the bug was misjudged. Clearly this is leaving a bad taste in users mouths, and I think we have a responsibility to both Fedora and Mozilla to include a fix for it. However, I'd like to put this in updates-testing for several days to make sure it does not regress users of IMAP servers that do not suffer from this issue. Given the number of affected users, I think it would get high karma relatively quickly, so this is a case where I think karma automatism should be disabled. Let's see if anyone responds negatively in say 3 or 4 days before pushing this manually. -- devel mailing list devel@lists.fedoraproject.org https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/devel