2010/4/26 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcall...@redhat.com>:

> The Fedora Mozilla packages can be bug-fixed/patched. If Mozilla doesn't
> accept the patches upstream first, we would no longer have permission to
> use their trademarks, and would need to remove them when we did so.

You just said something like "yes we can, but Mozilla will deny" -
this is exactly what Ralf told us earlier.

> As to why we have not simply patched at will, and discarded the
> trademarks, well, I think that is ultimately up to FESCo and the
> Maintainer(s) to decide how we wish to operate in that manner.

It's not up to maintainer to decide whether to provide non-free
package in Fedora. And I don't see why we need to ask FESCo for
resolution of this (clearly visible for almost everyone) violation of
our guidelines.

> Personally, I feel that there is name-recognition value in the Mozilla
> trademarks, and we should make every effort to try to discuss a
> compromise with them to allow us a bit more flexibility while retaining
> the trademark use. Perhaps this is a discussion that could be opened
> with Luis Villa?

Rebranding can be a difficult task, but this task also can be easily
measured in man-hours, man-days or man-months, and this would be a
ultimate solution, while chatting with lawers can consume much more
time w/o success (nothing personal here).

With best regards, Peter Lemenkov.
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