On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 10:36 PM, Bill Nottingham <nott...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Colin Walters (walt...@verbum.org) said:
>> > Speaking of changes to comps for the desktop I think it would be
>> > worthwhile breaking down the hardware support group into a couple of
>> > groups. I was thinking something along the lines of Servers (for
>> > iSCSI/FCoE/FCA etc), Desktop/Laptop (For wifi etc), Printing and
>> > possibly "other". Things like printers for example with the new auto
>> > printer support shouldn't need to be installed by default, you don't
>> > want server stuff on a netbook and generally wouldn't need wifi
>> > firmwares on a server.
>> That makes sense, yes.  I think it'd be good to at least have an
>> explicit "server stuff" group.  I wanted to call it
>> @traditional-unix-server for stuff like smartmontools and iscsi, but
>> other naming suggestions welcomed.
> Honestly, I could see exploding it into a variety of smaller, more focused
> groups. Perhaps I'll whip up a proposal based on some comps files I have
> lying around here.

I've spent a little time looking at the hardware side of things and
done a basic patch for some of the hardware stuff based on the current
rawhide comps file. I've broken it down into network/server/misc for
the time being and pushed the print stuff over to its group. More can
be done as it was a quick look through. The old hardware-support
currently includes all the other groups so there's no real change for
current builds overall.

I also noticed that alot of the filesystems group lists are replicated
into base. I think base should have the core ext related tools to boot
a default Fedora and the other stuff like ntfs should just remain in
the filesystems group.


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