On Sat, 2010-04-17 at 18:18 +0200, Gergely Buday wrote:
> I have upgraded to Fedora 12 on a machine and I had to format the root
> and the usr partition (it was a Fedora 8 -> Fedora 12 transit) , but I
> left home untouched. My problem was that the installer did not realise
> that I had three home directories. It could have been a boon that it
> recognised and created the necessary users.
> Which project should I report this problem to? Anaconda?

Anaconda would be the right component.  But I'm not convinced that the
behavior you propose is useful enough in general to merit addition to
anaconda (of course, it's the anaconda developers' judgment that counts,
not mine).  You can always use a script such as the following to add the

cd /home
for d in *; do
        useradd -u $(stat --format=%u "$d") -g $(stat --format=%g "$d") "$d"


devel mailing list
  • installation problem Gergely Buday
    • Re: (Automatically adding users based on dirs in /home... Matt McCutchen

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