I'm working on a customization of Fedora 13.

Got a livecd, mount the squashfs and I'm changing the image settings
in the liveCD FS.

I configured a server Xnest and am trying to open a connection to my
liveCD mounted:

# Riding mount-o loop-t ext4 ext3fs.img (livecd) / mnt
chroot / mnt
# Export DISPLAY = localhost: 4
# Gnome-session


I can not mount a remote session!

I wonder if this really is the best method to customize a LiveCD or if
there is another way!
My interest is not only to create or remove packages, but some system
settings too!

Thanks for listening!

Joao Neto - Software Developer | PHP Zend Certified Engineer
@joao_neto | http://www.joaoneto.blog.br
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