In article <> you 
>> libsoup itself is a nice thing because it enables asynchronous HTTP
>> access. But our libsoup package ic compiled against GConf, so it's
>> rather GNOME than GTK.
> since lx* triggered this thread,
> I guess their (light desktops users) preferred browser is midori a
> webkitgtk one, and that depends on libsoup which is compiled in fedora
> with GConf support.
> so it seems that GConf is almost a must in fedora even when using lxde
> or xfce

I have rebuilds of both libsoup and webkitgtk to not include these
dependencies (webkitgtk goes without geoclue). Before I publish the repo
URL/config for yum, I'd be interested to see how much interest it would
be for me to maintain them and which release/arch combos to support.
It's just patches on the .spec file from Fedora and a rebuild and P/O
over the dependency chained one.

As for a lightweight browser, I'd recommend uzbl[1] for those looking
for slim applications. The default configuration/scripts assume zenity
and pygtk which can be a little big, but Xdialog works just as well I've


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