On Wed, 2010-03-31 at 19:15 +0300, Juha Tuomala wrote:
> On Wed, 31 Mar 2010, Jeff Spaleta wrote:
> > Unfortunately our ticketing tool doesn't do a great job at this, as we
> > can't take one ticket and mark multiple release branches it affects
> > and which of those release branches the fix is provided.
> that's why there is 'clone' functionality. Use it.

No, it's not why there is 'clone' functionality (that was initially
introduced to Bugzilla for different reasons). Using multiple bugs to
track the same issue in multiple releases is a poor workaround for a
lack of functionality in Bugzilla. It's not a really satisfactory

(Cloning doesn't really do what you want it to do in this case, anyway.
I'm always coming across reports that are cloned from, say, Fedora 13 to
RHEL 6. If the F13 bug was marked as F13Blocker, then the RHEL 6 bug
ends up blocking the F13 release too...people often forget to change
attributes of the initial bug which don't make sense for the new bug).
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Fedora Talk: adamwill AT fedoraproject DOT org

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