On Fri, 2010-03-26 at 19:50 +0000, José Matos wrote:
> > For the rest, does it work properly for you ?
> OK, I am catching on all the mail after a busy week. I have not yet tried to 
> apply the latest version 0.3 here are my comments from previous versions.
> I had to use the following patch.
> Some notes on the elements of the diff:
> * emacs refuses to address the UTF-8 encoding it only recognizes utf-8. That 
> is why I have changed it for every file I had to edit.
Ok I will fix this.

> * in R2spec I have the following snippet:
> -            self.version = self.file['version']
> +            self.version = self.file['version'].replace("-",".")
This should be fixed already in Description.py

> * in RPackage.py I have delegated to rpm the interpretation of rpm macros 
> using a pipe. The only exception to this rule is the %{name} macro that is 
> not 
> set at that time.
This looks much nicer than the dirty solution I was using :-)

> Other than those issues pointed the package works really well, it is nice to 
> set back and watch it do all the work. :-)
Cool :-)

FYI, I am playing with R2rpm on cran and I have:
$ ll rpmbuild/SRPMS/R-* |wc -l

I think I'll be looking for space for a repo and a i686 builder :-)

Thanks again,

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