Am 19.03.10 17:52, schrieb Jesse Keating: > Why deal with two different types of partitioning tables? Why /not/ go > forward to GPT, I think that's the more appropriate question. > > No all operating systems are able to support GPT, so there may be nice to have a hybrid partition schema.
Aspecial if you want a tripple boot system on a Macaintosh system, there will be nice to have this feature, because you can only have four partition in the MBR, which may be assigned as follow: Partitiona #1 EFI system partition Partition #2: Mac OX X Partition #3: Linux Partition #4: Windows Anyone in the future we may not have this discussion because all computer have moved to a UEFI systen caused by the 2 TB limitation of the MBR partition schea, but now we have the issue, that we have to support OS which are unable to support GPT partition hard discs. Best Regards: Jochen Schmitt -- devel mailing list