On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 03:17:23PM -0400, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
> > Such as the above statement is written I see these goals there.

> WRT enthought, they're very interested in getting their software packaged
> for individual distributions but don't have any manpower or inhouse
> knowledge on how to do that.  If someone were to start working on those
> packages, I could pass along contact information and we could potentially
> have help from them on changing their packaging over time to address our
> needs.

AFAIK, that's been partly done (mayavi2 is packaged under Fedora, I

I believe that Rakesh Pandit is the one to thank for that work.

I second that assersion though: Enthought is interested in protecting and
selling only the binaries of EPD. Enthought would like the corresponding
software (all open source) to have as much success as possible, and thus
to have high-quality packages on every platform.

Disclaimer: I worked for Enthought (although only a very brief amount of
time, as I am pursuing a career in academia), and I have much personal
interests in the success of the various Enthought-related packages, but
little time for packaging work.

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