On 12/03/10 19:27, Adam Williamson wrote:
>> Bringing it back to dialup.
>> Fedora liveCD 500-700mb
>> CentOS DVD 3.5GB app.
>> Fedora 1, CentOS 0
> In my experience, many users with restricted bandwidth actually prefer a
> *larger* install image, as then they at least have a databank of
> software available without an internet connection.

I bow to your experience.

They will often
> acquire a DVD image from someone with a faster connection, or just by
> buying a DVD through the post or whatever, and then they can install
> most everything they need without using the internet connection. This is
> not possible with the restricted range of software available on the live
> image.

Then why not change the way Fedora is presented in the release notes.
(said in half jest yesterday, by myself)
That to keep Fedora fully updated
"A highspeed internet connection is recommended"

No, I'm not trying to help create a two-tier community.
Just maybe thinking on something.


Frank Murphy
UTF_8 Encoded, Fedora 12, 13, Rawhide: x86_64

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