On Sat, 2010-03-13 at 00:52 +0100, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Jesse Keating wrote:
> > Fundamental point of view difference.  You take the point of view of
> > push everything all the time /unless/ there is a good enough reason not
> > to.
> > 
> > Others take the point of view of not updating anything unless there is a
> > good enough reason /to/.
> Right. "Fundamental point of view difference" indeed. But the former is the 
> point of view many of our users defend, too. :-) See e.g. the results of 
> Adam Williamson's poll.
>         Kevin Kofler

s/many/some/.  We have absolutely no scientific data that demonstrates
what any measure of our userbase defend or don't defend.  What we have
is data that /some/ users prefer lots and lots of updates.  We also have
data that /some/ users prefer a more conservative approach to updates to
our stable releases.  We also have a vision statement from the Fedora
Board that reads to me like a vision for conservative updates to our
stable release.

While it's true that some of our users appreciate the rapid stream of
updates, we may have to lose those users, or redirect them to other
avenues to rapid updates within the Fedora project and release stream.

Jesse Keating
Fedora -- FreedomĀ² is a feature!
identi.ca: http://identi.ca/jkeating

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