Hello Kevin,

Thursday, March 11, 2010, 8:09:02 AM, you wrote:
> Al Dunsmuir wrote:
>> For  older  releases,  the  presumption/requirement  for  stability is
>> higher.

> Nonsense. The previous and current stable releases are both equally 
> supported, there isn't one which is "more stable" than the other.

Often  the reason that folks are using an older stable release because
they  *can  not*  update  to the new stable release because it doesn't
work  for  them,  or  they  *choose*  to wait until the new release is
*proven* stable.

If  you  ignore  that and assume you are free to do as you will to any
active release, I would submit you are putting your own wants ahead of
your  users. Everyone loses in that case, and it is quite natural that
conflict arises.

Simultaneously  updating  all  active  releases  is  like  climbing  a
mountain  without  safety  ropes.  It works fine while everything goes
well, but the first slip means you are in for a big fall.  Maintaining
the   older   releases   with   a  heightened emphasis on stability is
Fedora's safety rope.

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