Bill Nottingham wrote:
> Till Maas ( said:
>>> Also thanks for packaging that immediately -- what about installing it
>>> by default? It's a tiny package and we really do want our users to
>>> provide feedback.
>> I do not mind, if it is installed by default, but I am not sure,
>> whether this is a good idea. Users will still need a FAS account,
>> install packages from updates-testing and know that it exist to use it.
> Given that it at the moment requires a FAS account, perhaps having
> it as default in the Fedora packager group is a good first step.
> Hey, why don't we register for FAS accounts with firstboot?

Can you leave bodhi feedback with an FAS account if you haven't signed a 
CLA? (The thing about FAS accounts I am not crazy about is the CLA. What 
about using a bugzilla account instead?)

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