On Tuesday, March 9, 2010, 2:49:00 PM, Dan Horák wrote:
> Thanks Bill, this proposal is very similar to my "dump of ideas" posted
> earlier today. The only thing I would like to improve (probably in
> PackageKit) is the presentation of the content in updates-testing to the
> users, to make it more visible and to encourage the testing. Something
> like subscription to selected subset of packages that I want to be
> notified about.
> Dan

I liked the visual presentation of download stats that Adam reference.
It  may have been Ubuntu or Debian related.

I  would like a tool that would present the list of installed packages,
and  allow  one  to  subscribe  based on that.  Also, bringing it up a
level   to   comps  might  reduce  the  user time.  Perhaps basing the
testing  of  dependent  package  testing  based on the owning packages
would simplify things too.


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