On 03/07/2010 09:32 PM, psmith wrote:
> then i seriously think we are following different lists :/

No but I have been on that list for five years and follow a lot more
mails than the average reader and there have been recurrent threads
about users recommending to stay on one version behind to get a more
robust system

> as adam's poll is starting to show the majority of fedora users choose
> fedora for the fact that it is leading the way with the newer software
> and that it has constant updates. (ie
> freedom,friends,*features*,/*first!*/

These are well explained at http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Foundations
and first in this context means innovation in driving upstream
development and not about pushing whatever latest versions as updates in
stable releases and it's always has been a discussion about the right
balance since both extremes are not going to be a good solution for Fedora

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