On Sat, Mar 6, 2010 at 10:00 PM, Mike McGrath <mmcgr...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Sat, 6 Mar 2010, Adam Williamson wrote:
>> I thought to myself yesterday, 'what this long and fractious thread
>> about update policy *really* needs is some unscientific and
>> controversial numbers'. =) So, I ran a forum poll! Everyone loves those,
>> right?
>> Here it is: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=241710
>> I tried to present the poll in a very neutral way, and as far as I know,
>> it hasn't been linked to from anywhere else; only regular forum members
>> are likely to come across it. So it shouldn't be massively inherently
>> biased, and has a reasonable shot of giving us a vague idea of what some
>> Real Fedora Users think.
>> The numbers do surprise me, to be honest. As I write this, it's 34-8 -
>> that's over 80% - in favour of 'adventurous' updates. A lot of the
>> replies make it clear that people really do see being 'bleeding edge' as
>> being a part of Fedora's nature, and a part of the reason why they run
>> it. I wouldn't honestly have expected that; I'd have expected much
>> closer to a 50/50 split if anything. A lot of people explicitly say
>> things like 'I run Fedora so I can have the latest stuff on my desktop,
>> if I want a more conservative system I'll run CentOS'.
>> No, the voting numbers aren't huge, but it's still some kind of data. I
>> can promote the poll to the forum front page to try and get more input,
>> if desired.
>> What do people make of this?
> I don't think people realize what they're asking for.  I'll just defer to
> my favorite Ford quote:

How comes? I think they do. I suspect those people voted what they want.

> "If I had asked my customers what they wanted," Ford said, "they would
> have said a faster horse."

And the world would be a better place without cars but faster horses ;)

Anyways, since we have now two automobile vendors in this discussion
(one here and one in another thread (Toyota), cant tell exactly which
one), let me add something from this sector:

Inventions, new techs, better and safer cars comes from race cars,
included into the mainstream (stable) series of consumer cars.

> The best part of all of this is, it doesn't matter anymore.  We've let
> Fedora go completely directionless for years now.  If we listen to the
> users, they'll all tell us different things.  Especially if you get a
> sample size large enough (your poll isn't anywhere near large enough to be
> scientific which is why you called it unscientific :)

Quite interesting to me here is that i see only posts from people who
wants something new in Fedora. The opposite of what the poll/voting
determined. Telling that this voting/poll isn't representative ;)

Best regards Thomas

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