On 03/03/2010 05:24 AM, Björn Persson wrote:
> You mean the system would download updates while I'm working but I would have
> to wait while it installs them? That's of course a little better than waiting
> while it downloads them too, but in my experience the installation phase
> usually takes longer than the download phase (even without deltaRPMs), so it
> would only be a small improvement.

True. The current F13 packagekit looks to see if you are running any 
programs that would stop working during an update. I don't know what it 
does if it finds one, I assume firefox is among them. In any case I 
think it would allow you to update everything in the background as you 
work and then the last bits could be done when you are.

This is all just from the few minutes I've spent on F13 over the last 
week. So what I said above could be completely wrong, but I did see PK 
doing a 'check for running programs' message.
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