On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 13:33, Thomas Janssen <thom...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> What cost? I'm the maintainer of those packages. If i want them as
> well for people who want it in F-11, i give it to them. Why should i
> force someone to upgrade every 6 month? Or even worse to rawhide as
> mentioned in this thread? I had skipped F-11 myself entirely because
> it was (FOR ME) too broken (personal opinions i dont want to discuss,
> because i dont have to discuss it, it's my right to think that a
> release is bad and skip it). I respect people who wants to do that as
> well.

And what would have happened if those packages that made F11 "too
broken" had found their way in Fedora 10 as stable updates?

- Joe User: "Foobar is too buggy in F11, and it's a critical part of
my usage of my computer, so I'm staying on F10"
- Foobar maintainer: "I'm updating Foobar in F10 so that F10 users can
benefit from the same new features as those on F11"

To me, not updating F(x-1) to the same level as Fx is actually the
best way to let people their "right to skip a Version". If you update
F(x-1) to the same level as Fx, then those users will (almost) not
have skipped anything.

Mathieu Bridon
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