On Tue, 2 Mar 2010, Jesse Keating wrote:

> On Wed, 2010-03-03 at 00:05 -0500, Seth Vidal wrote:
>> The issue right now appears to be the same as when we have a critical
>> security or bugfix that has to be fast-tracked and we have LOTS of pkgs
>> in updates-testing.
> I don't know if this will help.  Once a release has gotten a number of
> updates, mashing that release will take a long time, regardless of how
> many new updates are going in.  This is particularly bad of say
> 11-updates or 12-updates, but -testing generally goes much faster as
> there are less things in there (if bodhi obsoletes are doing the right
> thing).

At the risk of complicating the world would it make any sense for us to 
have (in increasing order of importance)


packages that are security or critical go from updates-testing to 
updates-important - and that happens as necessary

all other updates go from updates-testing to updates once a month.


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