Till Maas wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 01, 2010 at 03:57:06PM +0100, Jaroslav Reznik wrote:
> Yet the bug entry is missing important information, the NVR of the
> tested package and also IMHO this is not something that should checked
> in a stable release, but Rawhide or maybe branched-Rawhide, because this
> simple change does imho not justify a package update.

Yep, sorry for that - you are right that it should had been checked on
Rawhide repos (and next time I'll run that on them) and NVR be included
(it was unfortunately filtered). Bugs are autofilled against rawhide
because it's really not expected to make updates in F-12. 

If you already fixed the duplicate directory ownership, please close
that bug (either duplicate or notabug) and I apologize once more time
for the noise. Otherwise, it should be fixed (and it is easy change).

         Ondřej Vašík

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