Once upon a time, Bruno Wolff III <br...@wolff.to> said:
> P.S. I don't use enablerepo. I'll yum install a local copy of the rpm and see
> what it needs if it doesn't install successfully.

That seems like extra and unnecessary work.  You doesn't do anything
without telling you, so "yum --enablrepo=\*testing update foo" is going
to tell you more about what dependencies are needed than "yum
localinstall foo.rpm".

I install packages from updates-testing all the time; I'll do a "yum
--enablerepo=\*testing check-update" and look for packages that are
"interesting" to me (things that I use that I might would notice a
problem, things that I have already had issues with, etc.).  I've found
at least one bug I can remember in a testing package, filed it, and it
got fixed before the release to updates.

I haven't usually given karma though; partly because it isn't easy to
tell what I'm running that came from *testing ("yum list install | grep
testing" isn't very helpful because of pretty-printing for 80 columns,
even on a wider terminal).

Chris Adams <cmad...@hiwaay.net>
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.
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