On Fri, 2010-02-26 at 16:49 +0100, Michael Schwendt wrote:
> Could happen also with security updates. E.g. the recent gnome-screensaver
> security update visually corrupted the Fedora and GNOME screensavers. Rather
> harmless, but in other cases (e.g. kernel upgrades) a trade-off is made
> between number of bug-fixes/new drivers and regression, and -1 votes don't
> have an impact.
> Making updates-testing mandatory will not result in increased testing.
> Some packages just won't see any feedback. I claim that for most packages
> real testing doesn't happen before they appear in the stable updates repo.
> We have the Critical Path Packages feature already. How about letting
> Fedora users vote in pkgdb on how critical a package is to them? The
> higher the rating, the more positive testing feedback a package will
> require and the more testing the Fedora community will need to contribute. 

I think this conversation is derailed by the "must go into
updates-testing first" aspect.  This isn't the intention.  The intention
as I see it is that updates must be tested before they go to stable.
Getting karma in bodhi is a way to prove that testing, and can be done
even with skipping updates-testing.

Jesse Keating
Fedora -- FreedomĀ² is a feature!
identi.ca: http://identi.ca/jkeating

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