still got hangs on a lenovo x301. with 2.6.32/31 the hangs are gone.

2010/2/23 Matthew Garrett <>:
> We tried some new Intel powersaving code in the F12 cycle, but it caused
> a range of problems including screen flickering and crashes. I've
> reworked this a little and it seems to work on a machine that had
> problems in the past, so I'd like to try it again. If anyone with an
> Intel GPU (except GMA500, 810, 815 and 830) would like to give the F13
> kernels at a
> go and let me know if they result in graphical glitches or hangs that
> you don't otherwise have with F13, that would be a great help.
> --
> Matthew Garrett |
> --
> devel mailing list
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