Karel Klic wrote:
> Christoph Wickert wrote:
>> For me as the maintainer it is a lot of work to reply to all these
>> useless reports and for our users it's just frustrating if all their
>> reports get closed INSUFFICIENT_DATA.
> I am now going to write a script which detects all the backtraces
> without debuginfo in Bugzilla, and closes the bugs as INSUFFICIENT_DATA
> with an apology. I do not know how many of them are in Bugzilla, but
> those can be detected and closed automatically (more info soon, it
> should be hacked together quickly).

The script to find backtraces without debuginfo has been written[1]. I 
placed the list of found bugs to the Fedora wiki [2]. IMHO only bugs 
with 2 comments should be closed, because 2 comments mean that the 
package maintainer did not touch the bug (ABRT adds 2 comments to every 
bug it creates). We can close 129 bugs this way.

> Also a script [1] which finds all the duplicate backtraces (we can find)
> in Bugzilla has been written. Those duplicates were made by older ABRT
> versions without good duplicate detection. ~900 bugs can be closed with
> this script. Hopefully it removes some burden from package maintainers.
> [1] https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/browser/src/Backtrace/abrt-bz-dupchecker
Its 551 bugs that can be closed as duplicates, not 900. I placed the 
list of affected bugs to the Fedora wiki [3].

So I'd like to close over 600 bugs in Bugzilla using scripts. Is there 
some Fedora policy regulating this?

[1] https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/browser/scripts/abrt-bz-ratingfixer
[2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Kklic/ABRT_Incomplete_Backtraces
[3] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Kklic/ABRT_Duplicates

Best Regards,
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