Op woensdag 03-02-2010 om 19:33 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Julian
> Hello,
> today I have decided to retire gnome-applet-netspeed. The upstream
> repository has not seen a single commit which is not a translation in
> ages, and with abrt running I'm getting crash reports filed every now
> and then [1-3].
> So, I think that the best way to handle this case is to retire the
> package. That is, unless somebody with necessary skills is willing to
> pick it up. I'll wait a few days and then I'll start the retirement
> process if no one speaks up.
> Julian
> [1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=530920
> [2] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=544938
> [3] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=560502


As a frequent user of gnome-applet-netspeed I'd like to see this package
remain in Fedora. I just took a quick look at the three crashes and my
guess is that there's some memory corruption involved as the crashes
occur in other libraries (pulseaudio, pango and gtk+) where it's
doubtful that those other libraries are the cause. Personally I haven't
had any crashes with the applet lately, but I'll try to investigate the
bugs asap.


Erik van Pienbroek

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