On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 3:26 PM, Jesse Keating <jkeat...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-02-03 at 12:54 -0600, inode0 wrote:
>> I believe that what fundamentally makes the Fedora Project a great
>> place to be is that it is an open community where the participants
>> share a group of core values that guide them both individually and
>> collectively toward an unwritten end that is worth pursuing
> Perhaps the problem is we don't all agree on those core sets of values,
> or how those values should guide us to what unwritten end.  Or we
> suspect we don't agree because so much of it is unwritten.

We are about to fall off the edge of the philosophical cliff now. I
really don't analyze how my values guide my actions. I approach the
check-out counter behind a little old lady. I could speed up and cut
in front of her, I could slow down and let her go first. I make a
decision which I believe is formed in large part by my values without
thinking about them.

> If the assumption is that we all share these values, what are they?  The
> four F's?  Those are just vague enough to be practically meaningless in
> this context.

Enumerating the values with surgical precision is meaningless too if
you want it to lead to an idea of what the Fedora distribution will
look like in 5 years. It just doesn't work that way.

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