On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 11:45 AM, Mike McGrath <mmcgr...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Unless you were misquoted the question you asked was:
>  "Isn't it amazing how thousands of contributors doing whatever they want
>  created such a spectacular OS?" [1]

That was a rhetorical answer to the question, "Does letting thousands
of contributors do what they want have a negative impact on our OS?"
It translates more succinctly as "no." And was followed by a
suggestion that asking questions about what in the unorchestrated stew
that is the Fedora Project caused that result was something worth

> As far as your question about the lack of growth, I was under the
> impression that to you our growth didn't matter[2].  My apologies.

I don't consider growth for the sake of growth important or part of
the Fedora Project's mission. Targeted and sustainable growth where
that growth furthers the Fedora Project's mission is what I care about
and I don't think that is reflected in download statistics.

But my question about growth was sincere. Identifying lack of growth
as a problem to me suggests on the surface a marketing issue, not an
OS issue so I wanted to know why we were addressing it as an OS
problem. There could be reasons it is, I'm not denying that

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