On Fri, 2010-01-29 at 10:59 -0700, Orion Poplawski wrote:
> On 01/29/2010 10:53 AM, Jesse Keating wrote:
> > As part of No Frozen Rawhide, we no longer make images for the rawhide
> > tree.  Rawhide is just a repo of packages.  When we branch for Alpha
> > we'll publish the release to be in it's own tree path with images
> > nightly.  Rawhide will move on to F14 stuff.
> Ah, so it is not possible to install rawhide directly before the first 
> Alpha?  (which is fine by me BTW - as that is when I generally first 
> attempt it)

We have attempted to create test images at a few points before Alpha,
when Anaconda team is ready for testing and leading up to the freeze so
that we can identify blockers prior to the freeze.  If any of these
happens to work we would tag these as "Last Known Good" and link to them
from somewhere for people to get a closer to rawhide install than F12.

Jesse Keating
Fedora -- FreedomĀ² is a feature!
identi.ca: http://identi.ca/jkeating

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