On 01/25/2010 03:17 PM, Lubomir Rintel wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-01-25 at 16:54 +0300, Peter Lemenkov wrote:
>> Hello!
>> 2010/1/25 Lubomir Rintel<lkund...@v3.sk>:
>>> On Mon, 2010-01-25 at 16:15 +0300, Peter Lemenkov wrote:
>>>> Hello All!
>>>> I'm no longer using Xerces-C, so I believe, I can't maintain it
anymore. Feel free to pick it up. Any volunteers?
>>> I use it with VirtualBox-OSE (thanks to Xavier for pointing me here).
>>> won't mind picking the package up.
>> Great.
>> Unfortunately, I've got difficulties while releasing ownership (
https://fedorahosted.org/packagedb/ticket/173 ).
> I've seen that once too; I believe it's supposed to be a feature that
reassigns the package to another maintainer when he releases ownership
instead of orphaning, though looks a bit broken.
> Looking at the pkgdb page of the package it seems like xavierb is a
maintainer (well, has approveacls powers) as well. Are you sure you want
another maintainer and not just hand the package to xavierb?
My interest is mostly in the EL-4 and EL-5 branches. Actually, I'm  mostly
interested in the perl bindings and that needs an older version  (2.7.0)
and hence I also own the xerces-c27 compat package.

We discussed this package with Peter and other people off-list and at 
least Jonathan Robie was interested in taking the package over.


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