Hey, can someone take a look at this bug report on Bugzilla ?



Quoted from Michael Schwendt <mschwe...@gmail.com> :

The package is in need of an update because it does not adhere to
the guidelines for packaging static libraries:


The -devel package contains both the shared and the static build of
a library. That makes it possible to link statically with the -devel
package as a build requirement instead of having to build-require a
special-purpose -static subpackage.

Correct would be to either disable/delete the static libraries at
build-time, or to %exclude them in the %files section, or to split off
a -static subpackage (if there is a compelling reason as why the static
libs should be made available).

Please consult the guidelines for the details.


    /usr/lib/libsemanage.so  <=>  /usr/lib/libsemanage.a
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