Christoph Wickert <> writes:
> I know that APRT is still very young technology, but after 2 months it's
> time for a interim conclusion [ to wit, it sucks ]

Yes.  The primary problem I'm seeing is that even when it gives you a
useful backtrace, the bug report consists *only* of the backtrace, which
is very seldom enough information.  Users have to provide information
about what they were doing, copies of input files, etc etc just the same
as in a manually-initiated bug report.  If ABRT is making that difficult
or even just failing to encourage inclusion of the information, it's
useless if not worse than useless.

Note: I haven't seen the submitter's end of ABRT yet, just the bug
reports.  Maybe it does ask for more info ... but none of the abrt
bugzillas I've gotten have included any.  I ask for followup, and
generally the thing just stays in NEEDINFO state.

                        regards, tom lane
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