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--- Comment #1 from Jan Vcelak <> 2010-01-14 12:59:22 EST ---
MUST items:

[YES] rpmlint is silent:

$ rpmlint ./perl-Convert-BinHex.spec
2 packages and 1 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 0 warnings.

[YES] Package meets naming and packaging guidelines.
[YES] Spec file matches the base package name.

[NOT SURE] Meets licensing guidelines.
[NO] License specified in spec file and matches.
 - CPAN says: Unknown license
 - included COPYING contains text of GPLv1
 - spec file says: GPL+ or Artistic

[YES] Spec file in American English.
[YES] Spec file is legible.

[NO] Spec file uses macros consistently.
 - %install section contains
   /usr/bin/find %{buildroot} -type f -name .packlist -exec rm -f {} ';'
   while few lines above macro %{__rm} is used
 - %{__chmod} -R u+w %{buildroot}/*
   might be replaced with
   %{_fixperms} %{buildroot}/*

[YES] Sources match upstream version.
[YES] Can be successfully compiled.
[YES] All BuildRequires are listed.
[YES] Doesn't bundle copies of system libraries.
[YES] Owns all it's files.
[YES] Directory ownership meets Perl packaging guidelines.
[YES] Permissions specified properly in %files.
[YES] Contains code, or permissible content.
[YES] Documentation needn't separate package.
[YES] %doc files doesn't affect runtime.
[YES] Cleans buildroot in %clean.
[YES] Cleans buildroot at the beginning of %install.
[YES] All filenames are valid UTF-8.

Other must items doesn't concern.

SHOULD items:

[YES] Builds in mock.
[YES] Builds on all supported architectures. (Package is architecture
[YES] Sane scriptlets.

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