Hi Leif,

On 12/18/2024 3:13 AM, Leif Lindholm via groups.io wrote:
PR CI jobs are currently failing on Ia32 EmulatorPkg RELEASE (passes
on DEBUG) with
ERROR : Could not allocate PeiServicesTablePage @ 13000000
during the "run to shell" test.

I note that the build step for
PlatformCI_EmulatorPkg_Windows_VS2019_PR now uses VS2022,
presumably as of https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/pull/6501

Can someone with access to a VS environment help investigate?

I tried to repro this locally yesterday, but unfortunately was not
getting one. I will try again today.

We should probably also get the CI job names updated to reflect the
toolchain version they're using.

Yes, I asked Mike Kinney to update the pipelines (I unfortunately do
not have permission to do so, it has to be done by an admin, Mike Kinney
or Michael Kubacki I believe will do it. The plan is to also change the
name of the GCC5 pipeline (Gerd requested this) and instead have more
generically named pipelines so when they are updated in the future we
don't have this name mismatch.


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