I'm working on Secure Boot support and noticed the dbxDefault variable isn't being created: during boot I get the messages:

SecureBootFetchData: Invalid key format: 0
Content for dbxDefault not found

I'm using ArmPlatformPkg/SecureBootDefaultKeys.fdf.inc to add the data to my firmware.

The problem appears to be this: at https://uefi.org/revocationlistfile it says:

"These files are used to update the Secure Boot Forbidden Signature Database, dbx. It contains the raw bytes passed in *Data to SetVariable()... an EFI_VARIABLE_AUTHENTICATION_2 concatenated with the new variable value.  Example usage: SetVariable( "dbx", EFI_IMAGE_SECURITY_DATABASE_GUID, NV+BS+RT+AT+AppendWrite, dbxUpdateDotBin_sizeInBytes, *dbxUpdateDotBin_bytes). dbxupdate.bin already contains a Microsoft KEK signature (encoded as specified by the UEFI spec)."

But SecureBootFetchData calls RsaGetPublicKeyFromX509, which won't work because the data is in the wrong format?

Looking at the files in the release from https://github.com/microsoft/secureboot_objects it looks like they're also in the format suitable for calling SetVariable, not for parsing as X509.

Has anyone else come across this and knows of a solution?


Rebecca Cran

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