Hi Mike,

I was wondering if you'd been able to collect any feedback or review the proposal?


On 10/23/24 9:23 PM, Kinney, Michael D wrote:

I will need more time to review this impacts of this proposal.

Can we extend the timeline for comments to mid November.



-----Original Message-----
From: devel@edk2.groups.io <devel@edk2.groups.io> On Behalf Of Leif
Lindholm via groups.io
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2024 5:15 AM
To: devel@edk2.groups.io; rebe...@bsdio.com
Subject: Re: [edk2-devel] Removal of VS2015 (and maybe VS2017) and
deprecated toolchains (GCC48, GCC49, GCC5)

On Tue, 22 Oct 2024 at 12:19, Rebecca Cran <rebe...@bsdio.com> wrote:
In addition, since GCC48, GCC49 and GCC5 have been marked deprecated
over a year, I'd like to proceed with removing them as well.

Please provide feedback by Thursday October 31st. In the absence of
feedback I'll plan to proceed with removing VS2015, GCC48, GCC49 and

No comment on the VS ones, but for the GCC ones, I'm all for it.

We might also want to raise an issue on deleting workarounds put into
place for ancient toolchains.
For gcc48/49 that was redundant initialization due to broken
use-uninitialized detection.


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