Awesome, thanks!

On Thu, Oct 24, 2024, at 9:48 AM, Oliver Smith-Denny wrote:
> On 10/24/2024 2:08 AM, Sami Mujawar wrote:
>> Hi Rebecca,
>> Thank you for bringing up this topic.
>> I agree we should get Visual Studio compiler support for Arm in edk2. 
>> The Visual Studio static analysis has helped to detect issues in 
>> DynamicTablesPkg in the past (when we did not have any dependency on 
>> assembly code).
>> I can see that Visual Studio Compiler support is already available in 
>> Project Mu. Would it be good to pull in the changes from there?
>> We would need to:
>>   * look at the compatibility of the licenses.
>>   * review and align any changes with the latest edk2 code base (Note
>>     this effort would be significantly less than starting from scratch).
>> @Oliver Smith-Denny <> is this something 
>> you can help with, please?
> Yes, we have been wanting to upstream our ARM VS2022 build support,
> including the nasm files, but we also weren't sure what the upstream
> appetite was. I will help coordinate that from our side.
> License-wise, we use the same BSD-2-Clause-Patent license as edk2
> so there should be no issue.
> I'll deal with any changes with the latest edk2 codebase, we are
> updated to the edk2-stable202405 tag, so the delta shouldn't
> be huge.
> Thanks,
> Oliver

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