Hi Rebecca, Andrei and Ard,
I have the following questions:
On 2024/9/6 22:22, Rebecca Cran via
groups.io wrote:
Hi Andrei,I see the final licence in non-osi is GPL2.0, so it that allowed for some people build the EmulatorDxe.efi into their FW and release it?
I've been talking to a few people about X86EmulatorPkg and their experience with it hasn't been positive: apparently there are lots of cases where it's failed to work (i.e. caused crashes) which is why it's not been more widely used.
Since suggesting they try MultiArchUefiPkg they've said it's working much better, and in fact some people have proceeded with enabling it in their firmware.
I'm a bit confused about the licensing of MultiArchUefiPkg given the license file says it's LGPL while it uses the GPL-licensed Unicorn library.
Does that mean the overall licensing for it will be GPL?
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