Migrate data from Maintainers.txt to the GitHub standard CODEOWNERS
files plus REVIEWERS and CONTRIBUTORS.md. The latter file contains
mappings from name to email address and GitHub usernames, which will
help people who want to email maintainers instead of using GitHub.

Add .github/workflows/AssignReviewers.yml which adds reviewers to a
Pull Request based on the content of the REVIEWERS file.

Signed-off-by: Rebecca Cran <rebe...@bsdio.com>
 .github/workflows/AssignReviewers.yml |  34 ++
 CODEOWNERS                            | 147 +++++++
 CONTRIBUTORS.md                       |  70 +++
 Maintainers.txt                       | 448 --------------------
 REVIEWERS                             |  95 +++++
 Readme.md                             |  30 +-
 6 files changed, 371 insertions(+), 453 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.github/workflows/AssignReviewers.yml 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3fbbc8584000
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/AssignReviewers.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+## @file
+# Assign reviewers from a REVIEWERS file using CODEOWNERS syntax
+# Copyright (c) 2022, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+name: Assign reviewers from a REVIEWERS file using CODEOWNERS syntax
+  pull_request_target:
+    types: [opened, synchronize, reopened, ready_for_review]
+    branches:
+      - master
+  assign_reviewers:
+    if: github.event.pull_request.draft == false
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    permissions:
+      pull-requests: write
+    steps:
+      - name: Generate Token
+        id: generate-token
+        uses: actions/create-github-app-token@v1
+        with:
+          app-id: ${{ secrets.TIANOCORE_ASSIGN_REVIEWERS_APPLICATION_ID }}
+          private-key: ${{ 
+      - name: Checkout Pull Request Target
+        uses: actions/checkout@v2
+      - name: Assign Reviewers
+        uses: mdkinney/github-action-assign-reviewers@main
+        with:
+          token: ${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.token }}
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..99ef06e7cdbc
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# This file contains the list of maintainers (i.e. people who own the
+# areas and can commit changes) for various parts of edk2-platforms.
+# EDK II Platforms maintainers
+# ============================
+* @leiflindholm @mdkinney
+/Platform/96Boards/** @ardbiesheuvel @leiflindholm
+/Platform/AMD/** @abdattar @changab @pbgrimes
+/Platform/AMD/AgesaModulePkg/** @abdattar @changab @pbgrimes
+/Platform/AMD/AgesaPkg/**       @abdattar @changab @pbgrimes
+/Platform/AMD/AmdCbsPkg/**      @abdattar @changab @pbgrimes
+/Platform/AMD/AmdCpmPkg/**      @abdattar @changab @pbgrimes
+# AMD Seattle platforms
+/Platform/AMD/OverdriveBoard/** @abdattar @ardbiesheuvel @changab 
@leiflindholm @pbgrimes
+/Silicon/AMD/Styx/**            @abdattar @ardbiesheuvel @changab 
@leiflindholm @pbgrimes
+/Platform/LeMaker/CelloBoard/** @ardbiesheuvel @leiflindholm
+/Platform/SoftIron/             @ardbiesheuvel @leiflindholm
+# AMD VanGoghBoard
+/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/** @abdattar @changab @exinghr @pbgrimes
+# Ampere Computing
+/Platform/Ampere/** @nhivp
+/Silicon/Ampere/** @nhivp
+# ARM
+/Platform/ARM/** @samimujawar
+/Silicon/ARM/** @samimujawar
+# BeagleBoard
+/Platform/BeagleBoard/** @ardbiesheuvel @leiflindholm
+/Silicon/TexasInstruments/** @ardbiesheuvel @leiflindholm
+# Bosc platforms and silicon
+/Platform/Bosc/** @vlsunil
+/Silicon/Bosc/NanHuPkg/** @vlsunil
+# DisplayLink
+/Drivers/DisplayLink/** @ardbiesheuvel @leiflindholm
+/Features/Ext4Pkg/** @heatd
+# HiSilicon
+/Platform/Hisilicon/** @leiflindholm
+/Silicon/Hisilicon/** @leiflindholm
+/Features/Intel/** @nate-desimone @SaiChaganty
+/Features/Intel/Debugging/** @nate-desimone @SaiChaganty @ydong10
+/Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/IpmiFeaturePkg/** @nate-desimone 
+/Features/Intel/UserInterface/** @dandanbi @nate-desimone @SaiChaganty
+/Features/ManageabilityPkg/** @changab
+/Platform/Intel/** @nate-desimone @SaiChaganty
+/Platform/Intel/QuarkPlatformPkg/** @mdkinney @nate-desimone @SaiChaganty
+/Platform/Intel/Vlv2TbltDevicePkg/** @nate-desimone @SaiChaganty @yqian4
+/Platform/Intel/BoardModulePkg/** @nate-desimone @SaiChaganty @ydong10
+/Platform/Intel/KabylakeOpenBoardPkg/** @ChaselChiu @nate-desimone @SaiChaganty
+/Platform/Intel/KabylakeOpenBoardPkg/AspireVn7Dash572G/** @benjamindoron 
@nate-desimone @SaiChaganty
+/Platform/Intel/KabylakeOpenBoardPkg/GalagoPro3/** @jackpot51
+/Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/** @ChaselChiu @nate-desimone @SaiChaganty
+/Platform/Intel/PurleyOpenBoardPkg/** @ChaselChiu @nate-desimone @SaiChaganty
+/Platform/Intel/WhiskeylakeOpenBoardPkg/** @ChaselChiu @nate-desimone 
+/Platform/Intel/CometlakeOpenBoardPkg/** @ChaselChiu @nate-desimone 
+/Platform/Intel/TigerlakeOpenBoardPkg/** @nate-desimone @SaiChaganty
+/Platform/Intel/AlderlakeOpenBoardPkg/** @nate-desimone @SaiChaganty
+/Platform/Intel/WhitleyOpenBoardPkg/** @ChaselChiu @nate-desimone @SaiChaganty
+/Platform/Intel/SimicsOpenBoardPkg/** @nate-desimone @SaiChaganty
+/Platform/Intel/Tools/** @BobCF @lgao4 @nate-desimone @SaiChaganty
+/Silicon/Intel/** @nate-desimone @SaiChaganty
+/Silicon/Intel/IntelSiliconPkg/** @nate-desimone @niruiyu @SaiChaganty
+/Silicon/Intel/QuarkSocPkg/** @mdkinney @nate-desimone @SaiChaganty
+/Silicon/Intel/Vlv2DeviceRefCodePkg/** @nate-desimone @SaiChaganty @yqian
+/Silicon/Intel/CoffeelakeSiliconPkg/** @ChaselChiu @nate-desimone @SaiChaganty
+/Silicon/Intel/KabylakeSiliconPkg/** @ChaselChiu @nate-desimone @SaiChaganty
+/Silicon/Intel/PurleyRefreshSiliconPkg/** @ChaselChiu @nate-desimone 
+/Silicon/Intel/TigerlakeSiliconPkg/** @nate-desimone @SaiChaganty
+/Silicon/Intel/AlderlakeSiliconPkg/** @nate-desimone @SaiChaganty
+/Silicon/Intel/WhitleySiliconPkg/** @ChaselChiu @nate-desimone @SaiChaganty
+/Silicon/Intel/SimicsX58SktPkg/** @nate-desimone @SaiChaganty
+/Silicon/Intel/SimicsIch10Pkg/** @nate-desimone @SaiChaganty
+/Silicon/Intel/Tools/** @BobCF @lgao4 @nate-desimone @SaiChaganty
+# Loongson platforms
+/Platform/Loongson/** @bibo-mao @kilaterlee @lixianglai
+# Marvell platforms and silicon
+/Platform/Marvell/** @ndhillonm @wojtas-marcin
+/Platform/SolidRun/** @ndhillonm @wojtas-marcin
+/Silicon/Marvell/** @ndhillonm @wojtas-marcin
+# Miscellaneous drivers
+/Silicon/Atmel/** @leiflindholm
+/Silicon/Openmoko/** @leiflindholm
+/Silicon/Synopsys/DesignWare/** @leiflindholm
+# NXP platforms and silicon
+/Platform/NXP/** @leiflindholm
+/Silicon/NXP/** @leiflindholm
+# OptionRomPkg
+# https://github.com/tianocore/tianocore.github.io/wiki/OptionRomPkg
+/Drivers/OptionRomPkg/** @niruiyu
+# Phytium platforms and silicon
+/Platform/Phytium/** @leiflindholm
+/Silicon/Phytium/** @leiflindholm
+# QEMU EDK II Minimum Platform Specification implementation
+/Platform/Qemu/QemuOpenBoardPkg/** @heatd
+# QEMU sbsa-ref platform
+/Platform/Qemu/SbsaQemu/** @ardbiesheuvel @hrw @leiflindholm
+/Silicon/Qemu/SbsaQemu/** @ardbiesheuvel @hrw @leiflindholm
+# Raspberry Pi platforms and silicon
+/Platform/RaspberryPi/** @ardbiesheuvel @leiflindholm
+/Silicon/Broadcom/** @ardbiesheuvel @leiflindholm
+# RPMB driver for OP-TEE
+/Drivers/OpTee/OpteeRpmbPkg/** @apalos @samimujawar
+/Platform/RISC-V/PlatformPkg/** @vlsunil
+/Platform/SiFive/U5SeriesPkg/** @JohnAZoidberg
+# Socionext platforms and silicon
+/Platform/Socionext/** @ardbiesheuvel @leiflindholm
+/Silicon/NXP/Library/Pcf8563RealTimeClockLib/** @ardbiesheuvel @leiflindholm
+/Silicon/Socionext/** @ardbiesheuvel @leiflindholm
+/Silicon/RISC-V/ProcessorPkg/** @vlsunil
+/Silicon/SiFive/** @JohnAZoidberg
+# Sophgo platforms and silicon
+/Platform/Sophgo/** @vlsunil
+/Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/** @vlsunil
+# StandAloneMMPkg for OP-TEE
+/Platform/StandaloneMm/PlatformStandaloneMmPkg/** @apalos @samimujawar
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..aa6df842fbb2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+EDK II Platforms Maintainers and Reviewers
+This file is intended to provide an easy way to look up people's names and 
email addresses given their GitHub
+usernames from the CODEOWNERS or REVIEWERS files.
+Since it's an extra file to remember to update when changing maintainers or 
reviewers, it will likely become
+out-of-sync with CODEOWNERS and/or REVIEWERS over time and need an occasional 
+| Name                   | e-mail address                   | Github username  
+| Abdul Lateef Attar     | abdullateef.at...@amd.com        | 
[@abdattar](https://github.com/abdattar)             |
+| Abner Chang            | abner.ch...@amd.com              | 
[@changab](https://github.com/changab)               |
+| Ard Biesheuvel         | ardb+tianoc...@kernel.org        | 
[@ardbiesheuvel](https://github.com/ardbiesheuvel)   |
+| Ashraf Ali S           | ashraf.al...@intel.com           | 
[@AshrafAliS](https://github.com/AshrafAliS)         |
+| Benjamin Doron         | benjamin.doro...@gmail.com       | 
[@benjamindoron](https://github.com/benjamindoron)   |
+| Bibo Mao               | maob...@loongson.cn              | 
[@bibo-mao](https://github.com/bibo-mao)             |
+| Bob Feng               | bob.c.f...@intel.com             | 
[@BobCF](https://github.com/BobCF)                   |
+| caiyuqing379           | caiyuqing...@outlook.com         | 
[@caiyuqing379](https://github.com/caiyuqing379)     |
+| Chao Li                | lic...@loongson.cn               | 
[@kilaterlee](https://github.com/kilaterlee)         |
+| Chasel Chiu            | chasel.c...@intel.com            | 
[@ChaselChiu](https://github.com/ChaselChiu)         |
+| Chuong Tran            | chu...@os.amperecomputing.com    | 
[@chuongtranle](https://github.com/chuongtranle)     |
+| dahogn                 | dah...@hotmail.com               | 
[@dahogn](https://github.com/dahogn)                 |
+| Dandan Bi              | dandan...@intel.com              | 
[@dandanbi](https://github.com/dandanbi)             |
+| Daniel Schaefer        | g...@danielschaefer.me            | 
[@JohnAZoidberg](https://github.com/JohnAZoidberg)   |
+| Deepika Kethi Reddy    | deepika.kethi.re...@intel.com    | 
[@dkethire](https://github.com/dkethire)             |
+| Duke Zhai              | duke.z...@amd.com                | 
[@mingxzha](https://github.com/mingxzha)             |
+| Eric Dong              | eric.d...@intel.com              | 
[@ydong10](https://github.com/ydong10)               |
+| Eric Xing              | eric.x...@amd.com                | 
[@exinghr](https://github.com/exinghr)               |
+| Graeme Gregory         | gra...@xora.org.uk               |                  
+| Heng Luo               | heng....@intel.com               |                  
+| Igniculus Fu           | igniculus...@amd.com             | 
[@fhh200000](https://github.com/fhh200000)           |
+| Ilias Apalodimas       | ilias.apalodi...@linaro.org      | 
[@apalos](https://github.com/apalos)                 |
+| Jeremy Linton          | jeremy.lin...@arm.com            | 
[@jlinton](https://github.com/jlinton)               |
+| Jeremy Soller          | jer...@system76.com              | 
[@jackpot51](https://github.com/jackpot51)           |
+| Kathappan Esakkithevar | kathappan.esakkithe...@intel.com | 
[@kesakkit](https://github.com/kesakkit)             |
+| Ken Yao                | ken....@amd.com                  | 
[@YSHRong](https://github.com/YSHRong)               |
+| Leif Lindholm          | quic_llind...@quicinc.com        | 
[@leiflindholm](https://github.com/leiflindholm)     |
+| Liming Gao             | gaolim...@byosoft.com.cn         | 
[@lgao4](https://github.com/lgao4)                   |
+| Ling Jia               | jial...@phytium.com.cn           |                  
+| Marcin Juszkiewicz     | marcin.juszkiew...@linaro.org    | 
[@hrw](https://github.com/hrw)                       |
+| Marcin Wojtas          | marcin.s.woj...@gmail.com        | 
[@wojtas-marcin](https://github.com/wojtas-marcin)   |
+| Marvin Häuser          | mhaeu...@posteo.de               | 
[@mhaeuser](https://github.com/mhaeuser)             |
+| Meenakshi Aggarwal     | meenakshi.aggar...@nxp.com       | 
[@Meenakshi88](https://github.com/Meenakshi88)       |
+| meng-cz                | mengcz1...@gmail.com             | 
[@meng-cz](https://github.com/meng-cz)               |
+| Michael D Kinney       | michael.d.kin...@intel.com       | 
[@mdkinney](https://github.com/mdkinney)             |
+| Narinder Dhillon       | ndhil...@marvell.com             | 
[@ndhillonm](https://github.com/ndhillonm)           |
+| Nate DeSimone          | nathaniel.l.desim...@intel.com   | 
[@nate-desimone](https://github.com/nate-desimone)   |
+| Nhi Pham               | n...@os.amperecomputing.com       | 
[@nhivp](https://github.com/nhivp)                   |
+| Nickle Wang            | nick...@nvidia.com               | 
[@nicklela](https://github.com/nicklela)             |
+| Paul Grimes            | paul.gri...@amd.com              | 
[@pbgrimes](https://github.com/pbgrimes)             |
+| Pedro Falcato          | pedro.falc...@gmail.com          | 
[@heatd](https://github.com/heatd)                   |
+| Peng Xie               | xiep...@phytium.com.cn           |                  
+| Ran Wang               | wang...@bosc.ac.cn               |                  
+| Ray Ni                 | ray...@intel.com                 | 
[@niruiyu](https://github.com/niruiyu)               |
+| Rebecca Cran           | rebe...@os.amperecomputing.com   | 
[@bcran](https://github.com/bcran)                   |
+| Rosen Chuang           | rosen.chu...@intel.com           | 
[@rbitw](https://github.com/rbitw)                   |
+| Sai Chaganty           | rangasai.v.chaga...@intel.com    | 
[@SaiChaganty](https://github.com/SaiChaganty)       |
+| Saloni Kasbekar        | saloni.kasbe...@intel.com        | 
[@SaloniKasbekar](https://github.com/SaloniKasbekar) |
+| Sami Mujawar           | sami.muja...@arm.com             | 
[@samimujawar](https://github.com/samimujawar)       |
+| Sunil V L              | suni...@ventanamicro.com         | 
[@vlsunil](https://github.com/vlsunil)               |
+| Theo Jehl              | theojeh...@gmail.com             | 
[@theomacx86](https://github.com/theomacx86)         |
+| Thomas Abraham         | thomas.abra...@arm.com           |                  
+| USER0FISH              | libing1...@outlook.com           | 
[@USER0FISH](https://github.com/USER0FISH)           |
+| Wenyi Xie              | xiewen...@huawei.com             |                  
+| Xianglai li            | lixiang...@loongson.cn           | 
[@lixianglai](https://github.com/lixianglai)         |
+| Yang Wang              | wangy...@bosc.ac.cn              |                  
+| Yi Qian                | yi.q...@intel.com                | 
[@yqian4](https://github.com/yqian4)                 |
+| Yiqi Shu               | shuy...@phytium.com.cn           |                  
+| Yuwei Chen             | yuwei.c...@intel.com             | 
[@YuweiChen1110](https://github.com/YuweiChen1110)   |
diff --git a/Maintainers.txt b/Maintainers.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ff8c5c7b3d29..000000000000
--- a/Maintainers.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,448 +0,0 @@
-EDK II Platforms Maintainers
-This file provides information about the primary maintainers for
-EDK II Platforms.
-In general, you should not privately email the maintainer. You should
-email the edk2-devel list, and Cc the package maintainers and
-If the package maintainer wants to hand over the role to other people,
-the package maintainer should send the patch to update Maintainers.txt
-with new maintainer, and the new maintainer should follow up with
-an Acked-by or a Reviewed-by.
-Descriptions of section entries:
-  L: Mailing list that is relevant to this area (default is edk2-devel)
-     Patches and questions should be sent to the email list.
-  M: Package Maintainer: Cc address for patches and questions. Responsible
-     for reviewing and pushing package changes to source control.
-  R: Package Reviewer: Cc address for patches and questions. Reviewers help
-     maintainers review code, but don't have push access. A designated Package
-     Reviewer is reasonably familiar with the Package (or some modules
-     thereof), and/or provides testing or regression testing for the Package
-     (or some modules thereof), in certain platforms and environments.
-  W: Web-page with status/info
-  T: SCM tree type and location.  Type is one of: git, svn.
-  S: Status, one of the following:
-     Supported:  Someone is actually paid to look after this.
-     Maintained: Someone actually looks after it.
-     Odd Fixes:  It has a maintainer but they don't have time to do
-                 much other than throw the odd patch in. See below.
-     Orphan:     No current maintainer [but maybe you could take the
-                 role as you write your new code].
-     Obsolete:   Old code. Something tagged obsolete generally means
-                 it has been replaced by a better system and you
-                 should be using that.
-  F: Files and directories with wildcard patterns.
-     A trailing slash includes all files and subdirectory files.
-     F:   MdeModulePkg/   all files in and below MdeModulePkg
-     F:   MdeModulePkg/*  all files in MdeModulePkg, but not below
-     F:   */Pci/*         all files in a directory called Pci, at any depth in
-                          the hierarchy, but not below
-     One pattern per line.  Multiple F: lines per section acceptable.
-  X: Files and directories that are NOT maintained, same rules as F:
-     Files exclusions are tested after file matches.
-     Can be useful for excluding a specific subdirectory, for instance:
-     F:   NetworkPkg/
-     X:   NetworkPkg/Ip6Dxe/
-     matches all files in and below NetworkPkg excluding NetworkPkg/Ip6Dxe/
-  Filenames not caught by any F: rule get matched as being located in the top-
-  level directory. (Internally, the script looks for a match called 
-  so please don't add a file called that in the top-level directory.)
-EDK II Platforms
-W: https://github.com/tianocore/tianocore.github.io/wiki/EDK-II
-L: https://edk2.groups.io/g/devel/
-T: git - https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-platforms.git
-All patches CC:d here
-L: devel@edk2.groups.io
-F: *
-F: */
-EDK II Platforms maintainers
-F: *
-M: Leif Lindholm <quic_llind...@quicinc.com>
-M: Michael D Kinney <michael.d.kin...@intel.com>
-Responsible Disclosure, Reporting Security Issues
-W: https://github.com/tianocore/tianocore.github.io/wiki/Security
-EDK II Platforms Packages:
-F: Platform/96Boards/
-M: Ard Biesheuvel <ardb+tianoc...@kernel.org>
-M: Leif Lindholm <quic_llind...@quicinc.com>
-F: Platform/AMD
-M: Abner Chang <abner.ch...@amd.com>
-M: Abdul Lateef Attar <abdullateef.at...@amd.com>
-M: Paul Grimes <paul.gri...@amd.com>
-F: Platform/AMD/AgesaModulePkg
-F: Platform/AMD/AgesaPkg
-F: Platform/AMD/AmdCbsPkg
-M: Paul Grimes <paul.gri...@amd.com>
-R: Abdul Lateef Attar <abdullateef.at...@amd.com>
-R: Abner Chang <abner.ch...@amd.com>
-F: Platform/AMD/AmdCpmPkg
-M: Abdul Lateef Attar <abdullateef.at...@amd.com>
-R: Paul Grimes <paul.gri...@amd.com>
-R: Abner Chang <abner.ch...@amd.com>
-AMD Seattle
-F: Platform/AMD/OverdriveBoard/
-F: Platform/LeMaker/CelloBoard/
-F: Platform/SoftIron/
-F: Silicon/AMD/Styx/
-M: Ard Biesheuvel <ardb+tianoc...@kernel.org>
-M: Leif Lindholm <quic_llind...@quicinc.com>
-AMD VanGoghBoard
-F: Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard
-F: Silicon/AMD/VanGoghBoard
-M: Eric Xing <eric.x...@amd.com>
-R: Ken Yao <ken....@amd.com>
-R: Duke Zhai <duke.z...@amd.com>
-R: Igniculus Fu <igniculus...@amd.com>
-Ampere Computing
-F: Platform/Ampere
-F: Silicon/Ampere
-M: Nhi Pham <n...@os.amperecomputing.com>
-R: Chuong Tran <chu...@os.amperecomputing.com>
-R: Leif Lindholm <quic_llind...@quicinc.com>
-R: Rebecca Cran <rebe...@os.amperecomputing.com>
-F: Platform/ARM/
-F: Silicon/ARM/
-R: Thomas Abraham <thomas.abra...@arm.com>
-M: Sami Mujawar <sami.muja...@arm.com>
-F: Platform/BeagleBoard/
-F: Silicon/TexasInstruments/
-R: Ard Biesheuvel <ardb+tianoc...@kernel.org>
-M: Leif Lindholm <quic_llind...@quicinc.com>
-F: Drivers/OptionRomPkg/
-W: https://github.com/tianocore/tianocore.github.io/wiki/OptionRomPkg
-M: Ray Ni <ray...@intel.com>
-StandAloneMMPkg for OP-TEE
-F: Platform/StandaloneMm/PlatformStandaloneMmPkg/
-M: Sami Mujawar <sami.muja...@arm.com>
-M: Ilias Apalodimas <ilias.apalodi...@linaro.org>
-F: Drivers/DisplayLink/
-M: Leif Lindholm <quic_llind...@quicinc.com>
-M: Ard Biesheuvel <ardb+tianoc...@kernel.org>
-R: Andy Hayes <andy.ha...@displaylink.com>
-F: Platform/Hisilicon/
-F: Silicon/Hisilicon/
-M: Leif Lindholm <quic_llind...@quicinc.com>
-R: Ard Biesheuvel <ardb+tianoc...@kernel.org>
-R: Wenyi Xie <xiewen...@huawei.com>
-F: Features/Ext4Pkg/
-M: Pedro Falcato <pedro.falc...@gmail.com>
-R: Marvin Häuser <mhaeu...@posteo.de>
-F: Features/Intel/
-M: Sai Chaganty <rangasai.v.chaga...@intel.com>
-M: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desim...@intel.com>
-R: Liming Gao <gaolim...@byosoft.com.cn>
-F: Features/Intel/Debugging/
-M: Eric Dong <eric.d...@intel.com>
-R: Liming Gao <gaolim...@byosoft.com.cn>
-F: Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/IpmiFeaturePkg
-M: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desim...@intel.com>
-R: Liming Gao <gaolim...@byosoft.com.cn>
-F: Features/Intel/UserInterface/
-M: Dandan Bi <dandan...@intel.com>
-R: Liming Gao <gaolim...@byosoft.com.cn>
-F: Features/ManageabilityPkg/
-M: Abner Chang <abner.ch...@amd.com>
-R: Abdul Lateef Attar <abdullateef.at...@amd.com>
-R: Nickle Wang <nick...@nvidia.com>
-F: Platform/Intel/
-M: Sai Chaganty <rangasai.v.chaga...@intel.com>
-M: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desim...@intel.com>
-F: Platform/Intel/QuarkPlatformPkg/
-M: Michael D Kinney <michael.d.kin...@intel.com>
-R: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desim...@intel.com>
-F: Platform/Intel/Vlv2TbltDevicePkg/
-M: Yi Qian <yi.q...@intel.com>
-R: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desim...@intel.com>
-F: Platform/Intel/BoardModulePkg/
-M: Eric Dong <eric.d...@intel.com>
-R: Liming Gao <gaolim...@byosoft.com.cn>
-F: Platform/Intel/KabylakeOpenBoardPkg/
-M: Chasel Chiu <chasel.c...@intel.com>
-M: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desim...@intel.com>
-F: Platform/Intel/KabylakeOpenBoardPkg/AspireVn7Dash572G/
-R: Benjamin Doron <benjamin.doro...@gmail.com>
-F: Platform/Intel/KabylakeOpenBoardPkg/GalagoPro3/
-R: Jeremy Soller <jer...@system76.com>
-F: Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/
-M: Chasel Chiu <chasel.c...@intel.com>
-M: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desim...@intel.com>
-R: Liming Gao <gaolim...@byosoft.com.cn>
-R: Eric Dong <eric.d...@intel.com>
-F: Platform/Intel/PurleyOpenBoardPkg/
-M: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desim...@intel.com>
-M: Chasel Chiu <chasel.c...@intel.com>
-F: Platform/Intel/WhiskeylakeOpenBoardPkg/
-M: Chasel Chiu <chasel.c...@intel.com>
-M: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desim...@intel.com>
-F: Platform/Intel/CometlakeOpenBoardPkg/
-M: Chasel Chiu <chasel.c...@intel.com>
-M: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desim...@intel.com>
-M: Rangasai V Chaganty <rangasai.v.chaga...@intel.com>
-R: Deepika Kethi Reddy <deepika.kethi.re...@intel.com>
-R: Kathappan Esakkithevar <kathappan.esakkithe...@intel.com>
-F: Platform/Intel/TigerlakeOpenBoardPkg/
-M: Sai Chaganty <rangasai.v.chaga...@intel.com>
-M: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desim...@intel.com>
-R: Heng Luo <heng....@intel.com>
-F: Platform/Intel/AlderlakeOpenBoardPkg/
-M: Sai Chaganty <rangasai.v.chaga...@intel.com>
-M: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desim...@intel.com>
-R: Rosen Chuang <rosen.chu...@intel.com>
-R: Saloni Kasbekar <saloni.kasbe...@intel.com>
-F: Platform/Intel/WhitleyOpenBoardPkg/
-M: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desim...@intel.com>
-M: Chasel Chiu <chasel.c...@intel.com>
-F: Platform/Intel/SimicsOpenBoardPkg/
-M: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desim...@intel.com>
-F: Platform/Intel/Tools/
-M: Bob Feng <bob.c.f...@intel.com>
-M: Liming Gao <gaolim...@byosoft.com.cn>
-R: Yuwei Chen <yuwei.c...@intel.com>
-F: Platform/RISC-V/PlatformPkg/
-M: Sunil V L <suni...@ventanamicro.com>
-R: Daniel Schaefer <g...@danielschaefer.me>
-F: Platform/SiFive/U5SeriesPkg/
-M: Daniel Schaefer <g...@danielschaefer.me>
-F: Silicon/Intel/
-M: Rangasai V Chaganty <rangasai.v.chaga...@intel.com>
-M: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desim...@intel.com>
-F: Silicon/Intel/IntelSiliconPkg/
-M: Ray Ni <ray...@intel.com>
-M: Rangasai V Chaganty <rangasai.v.chaga...@intel.com>
-R: Ashraf Ali S <ashraf.al...@intel.com>
-F: Silicon/Intel/QuarkSocPkg/
-M: Michael D Kinney <michael.d.kin...@intel.com>
-R: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desim...@intel.com>
-F: Silicon/Intel/Vlv2DeviceRefCodePkg/
-M: Yi Qian <yi.q...@intel.com>
-R: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desim...@intel.com>
-F: Silicon/Intel/CoffeelakeSiliconPkg/
-M: Chasel Chiu <chasel.c...@intel.com>
-M: Sai Chaganty <rangasai.v.chaga...@intel.com>
-F: Silicon/Intel/KabylakeSiliconPkg/
-M: Chasel Chiu <chasel.c...@intel.com>
-M: Sai Chaganty <rangasai.v.chaga...@intel.com>
-F: Silicon/Intel/PurleyRefreshSiliconPkg/
-M: Chasel Chiu <chasel.c...@intel.com>
-M: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desim...@intel.com>
-F: Silicon/Intel/TigerlakeSiliconPkg/
-M: Sai Chaganty <rangasai.v.chaga...@intel.com>
-M: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desim...@intel.com>
-R: Heng Luo <heng....@intel.com>
-F: Platform/Intel/AlderlakeSiliconPkg/
-M: Sai Chaganty <rangasai.v.chaga...@intel.com>
-M: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desim...@intel.com>
-R: Rosen Chuang <rosen.chu...@intel.com>
-R: Saloni Kasbekar <saloni.kasbe...@intel.com>
-F: Silicon/Intel/WhitleySiliconPkg/
-M: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desim...@intel.com>
-M: Chasel Chiu <chasel.c...@intel.com>
-F: Silicon/Intel/SimicsX58SktPkg/
-M: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desim...@intel.com>
-F: Silicon/Intel/SimicsIch10Pkg/
-M: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desim...@intel.com>
-F: Silicon/Intel/Tools/
-M: Bob Feng <bob.c.f...@intel.com>
-M: Liming Gao <gaolim...@byosoft.com.cn>
-R: Yuwei Chen <yuwei.c...@intel.com>
-Loongson platforms
-F: Platform/Loongson/
-M: Bibo Mao <maob...@loongson.cn>
-M: Xianglai li <lixiang...@loongson.cn>
-M: Chao Li <lic...@loongson.cn>
-Marvell platforms and silicon
-F: Platform/Marvell/
-F: Platform/SolidRun/
-F: Silicon/Marvell/
-M: Marcin Wojtas <marcin.s.woj...@gmail.com> [wojtas-marcin]
-M: Narinder Dhillon <ndhil...@marvell.com> [ndhillonm]
-R: Leif Lindholm <quic_llind...@quicinc.com> [leiflindholm]
-Miscellaneous drivers
-F: Silicon/Atmel/
-F: Silicon/Openmoko/
-F: Silicon/Synopsys/DesignWare/
-R: Ard Biesheuvel <ardb+tianoc...@kernel.org>
-M: Leif Lindholm <quic_llind...@quicinc.com>
-NXP platforms and silicon
-F: Platform/NXP/
-F: Silicon/NXP/
-M: Leif Lindholm <quic_llind...@quicinc.com>
-R: Meenakshi Aggarwal <meenakshi.aggar...@nxp.com>
-QEMU EDK II Minimum Platform Specification implementation
-F: Platform/Qemu/QemuOpenBoardPkg/
-M: Pedro Falcato <pedro.falc...@gmail.com>
-R: Theo Jehl <theojeh...@gmail.com>
-QEMU sbsa-ref platform
-F: Platform/Qemu/SbsaQemu/
-F: Silicon/Qemu/SbsaQemu/
-M: Ard Biesheuvel <ardb+tianoc...@kernel.org>
-M: Leif Lindholm <quic_llind...@quicinc.com>
-M: Marcin Juszkiewicz <marcin.juszkiew...@linaro.org> [hrw]
-R: Graeme Gregory <gra...@xora.org.uk>
-Raspberry Pi platforms and silicon
-F: Platform/RaspberryPi/
-F: Silicon/Broadcom/
-M: Ard Biesheuvel <ardb+tianoc...@kernel.org>
-M: Leif Lindholm <quic_llind...@quicinc.com>
-R: Jeremy Linton <jeremy.lin...@arm.com>
-RPMB driver for OP-TEE
-F: Drivers/OpTee/OpteeRpmbPkg/
-M: Sami Mujawar <sami.muja...@arm.com>
-M: Ilias Apalodimas <ilias.apalodi...@linaro.org>
-Socionext platforms and silicon
-F: Platform/Socionext/
-F: Silicon/NXP/Library/Pcf8563RealTimeClockLib/
-F: Silicon/Socionext/
-M: Ard Biesheuvel <ardb+tianoc...@kernel.org>
-M: Leif Lindholm <quic_llind...@quicinc.com>
-F: Silicon/RISC-V/ProcessorPkg/
-M: Sunil V L <suni...@ventanamicro.com>
-R: Daniel Schaefer <g...@danielschaefer.me>
-F: Silicon/SiFive/
-M: Daniel Schaefer <g...@danielschaefer.me>
-Phytium platforms and silicon
-F: Platform/Phytium/
-F: Silicon/Phytium/
-M: Leif Lindholm <quic_llind...@quicinc.com>
-R: Peng Xie <xiep...@phytium.com.cn>
-R: Ling Jia <jial...@phytium.com.cn>
-R: Yiqi Shu <shuy...@phytium.com.cn>
-Sophgo platforms and silicon
-F: Platform/Sophgo/
-F: Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/
-M: Sunil V L <suni...@ventanamicro.com>
-R: dahogn <dah...@hotmail.com>
-R: meng-cz <mengcz1...@gmail.com>
-R: caiyuqing379 <caiyuqing...@outlook.com>
-R: USER0FISH <libing1...@outlook.com>
-Bosc platforms and silicon
-F: Platform/Bosc/
-F: Silicon/Bosc/NanHuPkg/
-M: Sunil V L <suni...@ventanamicro.com>
-R: Yang Wang<wangy...@bosc.ac.cn>
-R: Ran Wang<wang...@bosc.ac.cn>
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5f5a96f4eba1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# This file contains the list of reviewers (i.e. people who can
+# review changes, but don't own the areas and can't commit changes)
+# for various parts of edk2-platforms.
+# EDK II Platforms reviewers
+# ==========================
+# AMD VanGoghBoard
+/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/** @fhh200000 @mingxzha @YSHRong
+# Ampere
+/Platform/Ampere/** @bcran @chuongtranle @leiflindholm
+/Silicon/Ampere/** @bcran @chuongtranle @leiflindholm
+# ARM
+# Add Thomas Abraham
+# /Platform/ARM/**
+# BeagleBoard
+/Platform/BeagleBoard/** @ardbiesheuvel
+/Silicon/TexasInstruments/** @ardbiesheuvel
+/Features/Ext4Pkg/** @mhaeuser
+# Hisilicon
+# Add Wenyi Xie
+/Platform/Hisilicon/** @ardbiesheuvel
+/Silicon/Hisilicon/** @ardbiesheuvel
+/Features/Intel/** @lgao4
+/Features/Intel/Debugging/** @lgao4
+/Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/IpmiFeaturePkg/** @lgao4
+/Features/Intel/UserInterface/** @lgao4
+/Platform/Intel/QuarkPlatformPkg/** @nate-desimone
+/Platform/Intel/Vlv2TbltDevicePkg/** @nate-desimone
+/Platform/Intel/BoardModulePkg/** @lgao4
+/Platform/Intel/KabylakeOpenBoardPkg/GalagoPro3/** @jackpot5
+/Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/** @lgao4 @ydong10
+/Platform/Intel/WhiskeylakeOpenBoardPkg/** @ChaselChiu
+/Platform/Intel/CometlakeOpenBoardPkg/** @dkethire @kesakkit
+# Add Heng Luo
+# /Platform/Intel/TigerlakeOpenBoardPkg/**
+/Platform/Intel/AlderlakeOpenBoardPkg/** @rbitw @SaloniKasbekar
+/Platform/Intel/Tools/** @YuweiChen1110
+/Silicon/Intel/IntelSiliconPkg/** @AshrafAliS
+/Silicon/Intel/QuarkSocPkg/** @nate-desimone
+/Silicon/Intel/Vlv2DeviceRefCodePkg/** @nate-desimone
+# Add Heng Luo
+# /Silicon/Intel/TigerlakeSiliconPkg/**
+/Silicon/Intel/AlderlakeSiliconPkg/** @rbitw @SaloniKasbekar
+/Silicon/Intel/Tools/** @YuweiChen1110
+/Features/ManageabilityPkg/** @abdattar @nicklela
+/Platform/Marvell/** @leiflindholm
+/Silicon/Marvell/** @leiflindholm
+# Miscellaneous Drivers
+/Silicon/Atmel/** @ardbiesheuvel
+/Silicon/Openmoko/** @ardbiesheuvel
+/Silicon/Synopsys/DesignWare/** @ardbiesheuvel
+/Platform/NXP/** @Meenakshi88
+/Silicon/NXP/** @Meenakshi88
+# QEMU EDK II Minimum Platform Specification implementation
+/Platform/Qemu/QemuOpenBoardPkg/** @theomacx86
+# Add Graeme Gregory
+# /Platform/Qemu/SbsaQemu/**
+# /Silicon/Qemu/SbsaQemu/**
+# Raspberry Pi platforms and silicon
+/Platform/RaspberryPi/** @jlinton
+/Silicon/Broadcom/** @jlinton
+/Platform/RISC-V/PlatformPkg/** @JohnAZoidberg
+/Silicon/RISC-V/ProcessorPkg/** @JohnAZoidberg
+# Phytium platforms and silicon
+# Add Peng Xie, Ling Jia and Yiqi Shu
+# /Platform/Phytium/**
+# /Silicon/Phytium/**
+/Platform/SolidRun/** @leiflindholm
+# Sophgo platforms and silicon
+/Platform/Sophgo/** @caiyiqing379 @dahogn @meng-cz @USER0FISH
+/Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/** @caiyiqing379 @dahogn @meng-cz @USER0FISH
diff --git a/Readme.md b/Readme.md
index 8de9eaa7cfbb..792e27e51843 100644
--- a/Readme.md
+++ b/Readme.md
@@ -32,10 +32,30 @@ Many platforms require additional image processing beyond 
the EDK2 build.
 Any such steps should be documented (as a Readme.md), and any necessary helper
 scripts be contained, under said platform directory.
-Any contributions to this branch should be submitted via email to the
-edk2-devel mailing list with a subject prefix of `[platforms]`. See
-[Laszlo's excellent 
 for details
-on how to do this successfully.
+Any contributions to this repo should be submitted via GitHub Pull Request.
+For details of who owns code in certain parts of the repo, see the CODEOWNERS 
+REVIEWERS files. Look in CONTRIBUTORS.md to find out people's names and their
+email addresses.
+In general, you should not privately email the maintainer. You should
+email the edk2-devel list, and Cc the area maintainers and
+If the maintainer wants to hand over the role to other people,
+they should create a PR on GitHub to update CODEOWNERS,
+REVIEWERS and CONTRIBUTORS.md with new maintainer, and the new maintainer
+should review the PR and approve it.
+EDK II Platforms
+W: https://github.com/tianocore/tianocore.github.io/wiki/EDK-II
+L: https://edk2.groups.io/g/devel/
+T: git - https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-platforms.git
+Responsible Disclosure, Reporting Security Issues
+W: https://github.com/tianocore/tianocore.github.io/wiki/Security
 # How to build (Linux Environment)
@@ -294,7 +314,7 @@ For more information, see the
 # Maintainers
-See [Maintainers.txt](Maintainers.txt).
 # Submodules

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